Hyperloop is a new transportation idea that centers around lightweight, electrically powered pods with space for 2-20 people being shot within a vacuum tube at speeds close to the speed of sound. Oneloop is a hyperloop team based at the University of California, Davis . Our goal is to work towards the first, fully operable Hyperloop pod and Hyperloop track. We have participated in the SpaceX Hyperloop Competition since its inception in 2015 and continue to take part in the competition.
The pod we set out to build in 2017 is almost complete, with many components completely manufactured. However, after assessing simulations of how the pod would act under continous performance, we have decided to overhaul our chassis. This new chassis will eventually be coupled with a more integrated propulsion solution for both acceleration and braking, but will initally use our eddy current brakes, friction brakes, and air bearings as originally planned.